Cnr London Circuit and City Square, Canberra City
Open today from 12pm to 4pm
Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 October: 10am–2pm
$20 per child
$15 CMAG members and concession
Bookings essential by Monday 5 October
View the world through the eyes of Sidney Nolan, make sketches, take photographs then go for a ride.
The Civic Merry Go Round was relocated to Canberra from St Kilda in Melbourne where Nolan grew up and this beloved childhood past-time will be the starting point for a beautiful abstract work of art on canvas.
This workshop is suitable for children aged 6 to 12 years of age. Please bring your own snacks, lunch and drink. Workshop fully supervised and all materials provided.
There will be limited places and contact tracing for this event.
Work of art by Taj inspired by the Civic Merry Go Round
Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 October: 10am–2pm
$20 per child
$15 CMAG members and concession
Bookings essential by Monday 5 October
The Nolan Collection is an iconic group of paintings from 1945 to 1953 by Sidney Nolan that the artist gifted to the nation in 1974
In August 1978, Sidney Nolan created a series of 31 crayon pastel drawings based on the events of Marcus Clarke’s 1874 convict novel, For the Term of His Natural Life.
The Young Nolan Project is a new initiative where an individual school is invited to work on an extended program and present their resulting art to the public